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What is an n-gram?

An n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sample of text or speech. The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words or base pairs according to the application. The n-grams typically are collected from a text or speech corpus.

When the items are words, n-grams may also be called shingles.

For example, consider the sentence "To be or not to be". If n=1 ("unigrams"), this sentence contains 6 items:

To, be, or, not, to, be

If n=2 ("bigrams"), there are 5 items:

To be, be or, or not, not to, to be

If n=3 ("trigrams"), there are 4 items:

To be or, be or not, or not to, not to be

And so on.

When the items are letters (n-grams of letters), the n-grams are called n-gram character or character n-grams. A letter is one of several graphemes (or symbols) in the basic written form of a language. The same definition applies to n-gram phonemes or phoneme n-grams, which are n-grams of phonemes (the smallest units of sound that may cause a change of meaning within a language).

When the items are syllables (n-grams of syllables), the n-grams are called n-gram syllable or syllable n-grams. A syllable is a unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds. For example, the word water is composed of two syllables: wa and ter.

When the items are words (n-grams of words), the n-grams are called n-gram word or word n-grams. A word is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes which are linked more or less tightly together, and has a phonetical value.

When the items are base pairs (n-grams of base pairs

Understanding Word Groups: What are n-grams?

Ever wondered how experts study the way we use language? Enter n-grams! Think of them as word puzzles that help uncover the mysteries of language. They're not just random word groups; they reveal patterns, much like how clues help solve a mystery.

Unraveling the Puzzle: Examples of n-grams

Take the simple sentence: "The cat sleeps." When we break it down: - Single words like "The", "cat", and "sleeps" are unigrams. - Two-word combinations like "The cat" and "cat sleeps" are bigrams. It's a fun way to dissect language and see how words connect!

The Magic Behind Words: Why n-grams Matter

It's not just about breaking down sentences. These word groups help: - Predict the flow of language, much like guessing the next move in a dance. - Dive deep into lengthy documents to pinpoint their essence, similar to finding the heart of a story.

Boosting Your Website's Presence: The Role of n-grams

Search engines like Google aim to present the best answers. Here's where n-grams shine:

  1. Spotting Key Themes: Like identifying a song's genre from a few notes, n-grams help pinpoint a website's core message.
  2. Anticipating User Needs: By analyzing search patterns, n-grams offer insights into what users genuinely seek, ensuring content matches their curiosity.
  3. Standing Out: With the right word combinations, websites can charm search engines, making them more visible and inviting more visitors.

Enhancing Online Advertisements with n-grams

Online advertisements, especially on platforms like Google, use n-grams to refine their reach:

  1. Weeding Out Unwanted Terms: N-grams help filter out unrelated terms, ensuring ads resonate with the intended audience.
  2. Tailoring Ads: By knowing which word combinations click with users, ads can be crafted to appeal more, just like customizing a gift based on someone's preferences.
  3. Investing Smartly: Ensuring ads pop up at the right moments saves resources and boosts effectiveness, much like placing a billboard in a strategic location.